Specific Objective
Specific Objective
Specific Objective
Specific Objective
Specific Objective
Specific Objective
Project Organization
- Project start date: January 1st, 2023
- Project duration: 60 months
- Project start date: January 1st, 2023
- Project duration: 60 months
Work Package 1
Employment of the ERA Chair and recruitment of the ERA Chair team
Work Package 2
Establishing excellence in research, training and innovation in Biomolecular Engineering and Synthetic Biology while building a synergistic relationship with the thematic priorities of the Center
Work Package 3
Lead the establishment of the new national R&I infrastructure “Biotechnopolis” and promote its connection with regional, national and European stakeholders
Work Package 4
Reinforce the scientific excellence capacity of BSRC Fleming
Work Package 5
Boosting innovation, technology transfer and commercial exploitation
Work Package 6
Advancing research management and administration
Work Package 7
Dissemination, science communication and education
Work Package 8
Project coordination and management
Boost4Bio aims to promote further the capacity of BSRC Fleming to commercially exploit its research output and promote technology transfer and high-tech entrepreneurship to contribute to Greece’s Research & Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3)