Project Objectives


Specific Objective

Establish excellence in research, training and innovation in Biomolecular Engineering and Synthetic Biology at BSRC Fleming by (i) recruiting an outstanding PI in research, training and innovation in Biomolecular Engineering and Synthetic Biology to act as an ERA Chair at BSRC Fleming; (ii) establishing a new world-class research program in Biomolecular Engineering and Synthetic Biology at BSRC Fleming; (iii) designing and implementing novel technologies and tools for discovering and developing new bio-based therapeutics (peptides, antibodies and other biomolecular scaffolds, living cell therapeutics etc.) for the treatment of pathogenic conditions, which are of primary importance for BSRC Fleming researchers, Greece and the EU, such as neurodegeneration, inflammation, cancer, systemic and infectious diseases; (iv) promoting the continuous training of both young and senior BSRC Fleming researchers and university students in Molecular Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology via organization of trainings, workshops, summer schools, expert visits, short-term scientific missions and staff exchanges.

Specific Objective

Promote integration of basic and applied Biomedical research at BSRC Fleming and lead the establishment of the new national R&I infrastructure “Biotechnopolis, its association with (inter)national stakeholders, and the road mapping of its sustainable development by (i) catalyzing the initiation and extension of collaborations within junior and senior BSRC Fleming research groups involved in basic biomedical research with groups performing more applied and readily translatable research; (ii) nurturing the mentality of increasing focus on more applied research at BSRC Fleming; (iii) leading the installation of new research infrastructures, the identification of principal investigators to lead the new research groups and the identification of biotech companies to be established at Biotechnopolis; (iv) connecting Biotechnopolis with relevant regional, national and European stakeholders.

Specific Objective

Reinforce the scientific excellence capacity of BSRC Fleming, raise further the research profile of the Center internationally, improve the career development opportunities of both its young scientists and contribute to the prevention of further brain drain from Greece by (i) exploiting the national and international academic network of the ERA Chair to support efforts in applying for and securing funding from more competitive sources through the formation of strategic partnerships; (ii) increasing the number and quality of publications appearing in top-tier scientific journals; (iii) enhancing participation in well-known conferences and events in Europe and worldwide; (iv) empowering young researchers and promoting their career opportunities and leadership skills with special emphasis on female scientists; (v) taking measures to attract more talented international researchers from abroad to be recruited at future PI positions in academia and the Greek biotech start-up ecosystem.

Specific Objective

Boosting further the capacity of BSRC Fleming to commercially exploit its research output and promote technology transfer and high-tech entrepreneurship to contribute to Greece’s Research & Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) priorities through (i) refining the internal procedures and expanding the activities of BSRC Fleming in technology transfer; (ii) arranging short-term visits of BSRC Fleming personnel to the premises of more advanced institutions in technology transfer to facilitate the adoption of good practices; (iii) identifying research activities with high translational potential and promoting the next steps for their commercialization; (iv) increasing the number of patent applications being filed; (v) increasing the number of BSRC Fleming spin-offs being founded.

Specific Objective

Introduce structural changes to strengthen the research management and organizational skills of BSRC Fleming and its staff, and promote its ability to disseminate and communicate the results of its research activities more effectively to the scientific community and the wider public by (i) hiring of new and highly skilled personnel with extensive experience in research management and academic administration; (ii) participation of existing personnel to specialized training workshops in research management and effective science communication; (iii) expanding and further training the BSRC Fleming communications managing team; (iv) supporting specific new science communication activities to promote visibility.

Specific Objective

Introduce structural changes to strengthen the research management and organizational skills of BSRC Fleming and its staff, and promote its ability to disseminate and communicate the results of its research activities more effectively to the scientific community and the wider public by (i) hiring of new and highly skilled personnel with extensive experience in research management and academic administration; (ii) participation of existing personnel to specialized training workshops in research management and effective science communication; (iii) expanding and further training the BSRC Fleming communications managing team; (iv) supporting specific new science communication activities to promote visibility.

Project Organization

Work Package 1

Employment of the ERA Chair and recruitment of the ERA Chair team  

Work Package 2

Establishing excellence in research, training and innovation in Biomolecular Engineering and Synthetic Biology while building a synergistic relationship with the thematic priorities of the Center

Work Package 3

Lead the establishment of the new national R&I infrastructure “Biotechnopolis” and promote its connection with regional, national and European stakeholders

Work Package 4

Reinforce the scientific excellence capacity of BSRC Fleming

Work Package 5

Boosting innovation, technology transfer and commercial exploitation

Work Package 6

Advancing research management and administration

Work Package 7

Dissemination, science communication and education

Work Package 8

Project coordination and management


Boost4Bio aims to promote further the capacity of BSRC Fleming to commercially exploit its research output and promote technology transfer and high-tech entrepreneurship to contribute to Greece’s Research & Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3)